Friday, April 4, 2008

Ways to spend a quiet Friday in the office

  • Watch videos of people you know doing stupid things. (Hot sauce, anyone?)
  • Read online articles that are actually interesting but would probably get you in trouble for looking at inappropriate web pages. (
  • Read John Mayer's blog. (He is both intelligent and self-deprecating. <3)
  • Play Scrabulous until the internet breaks and you have to restart your computer.
  • Check the weather reports in all the cities you'd rather be in than the one where you are.
  • Browse Craigslist for apartments you won't rent, jobs you won't apply for, and stuff you won't buy .... and think about how great it would be if you had those jobs with the attendant salaries, which would let you buy that stuff and live in one of those apartments.
  • Change your AIM/gchat status message at least once an hour.
  • Take off your boot and fix your sock that's scrunched up, then take off your other boot and adjust your other sock just for the sake of symmetry.
  • Eat a delicious PBJ on rye at 10am and think bitterly of your friend who is probably just waking up and thinking about maybe going to work... or maybe not....
  • Write blog entries.

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